Crashcare Group
Crashcare Group operates a consumer focused One-Stop-Shop within regulated markets. Within the Crashcare Group of Companies seperate parts provide swift attendance at any Road Traffic Collision or Incident to provide vehicle recovery, expert examination, assessments, reporting (including Locus Reporting) expert repairs (mechanical and all other including bodyworks ) with provisions for replacement vehicles, investigations, and recovery of consumers losses and liabilities within regulated (FCA & MoJ/CMR) Claims Handling markets. While historically extremely successful at delivering market leading initiatives resulting in recovering detailed, documented and evidenced claims at rates rarely achieved by much larger organisations, over recent years the Group's expert investigators have identified many unregulated traders involving themselves within regulated markets. With expertise derived from a vast knowledge and history within the markets, Crashcare is now embarking upon a drive to recover back to wronged insurers/their insureds amounts previously paid out for and on behalf of policyholders to unregulated traders. Many unregulated traders appear to operate under the guise as CMCs and/or Credit Hire Operator (CHOs) and provide fertile recoveries back to insurers. In line with Crashcare Group's long standing trading practices, even wronged Motor Insurers and their policyholders enjoy the benefits of their best interests being cared for through regulated activities for which Crashcare Accident Management charge and recover Insurance Intermediary Fees from liable/wromg doping enterperses/parties. These are often unable and/or unwilling to maintain standards expected within regulated markets and hence regularly remain authors of their own misfortunes. While predominantly a retail customer focused operating Group, Crashcare provides expert consultancy services within the Motor Trade to Body Repairers seeking to establish their own authorised and regulated Claims Handling Activities. Operating a Crashcare licensed trading operation or franchise is often considered a swift option for Body Repairers to develop a retail led, consumer focused business away from the often financially crippling arrangements operated by insurer work providers and/or their associated CMCs.
Contact Information
Embankment Chambers
Embankment Road
Plymouth, Devon PL4 9JJ
United Kingdom - Telephone: 02083215831
- Website: Not Listed
- Social Media Links: Not Listed
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